Well, I don't think it's that bad, yet, but since you brought it up, I did have another rather eerie vision walking from the car into the Walmart. You know that bridge I dared you to drive across a few years back, the Huey P. Long? (the Huey P crosses the Mississippi with two lanes each way that give you about six inches of clearance between the car next to you and a sharp, tall, tire destroying curb.) It also has a train lane that continues above ground long after the car lanes descend to sea level (or here in the NO area, of course, possibly below sea level), and this very high elevated track runs along stage left in the near distance of your periphery as you enter the Harahan Walmart. Well yesterday there was about a mile long caravan of flat cars carrying military green vehicles, Humvees, and other military transport vehicles, and the occasional canon. This is not a vision exactly unique to the times but perhaps just a thing that wakes up the stagnant imagination. Oh hell, and while I'm here, that posting in treehouse by Linda (happy mother's day) about the nomination of Bush/Blair for the Peace Prize by that right wing conservative on the Nobel committee, that's just one of those bad internet jokes, right?
- jimlouis 5-11-2003 5:28 pm

snopes has it as true, but for 2002. reuters has this story for 2003 which is on numerous sites, but i'm not sure if it is true or not now. i hope not, but wouldn't be surprised.

- linda 5-11-2003 6:54 pm [add a comment]

- linda 5-11-2003 7:33 pm [add a comment]

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