one more -- sperryville is haute.

Restaurants have been coming and going in Sperryville so fast lately that you almost need a scorecard to keep track. A place called Tomfoolery opened on Main Street and then closed before most people even knew about it. The Blue Moon Cafe on Highway 211 closed this year and was succeeded by a Tex-Mex place called the Coyote Cafe. Sunnyside Farms just opened an open-air burger bar at its new "Famous Rest Stop" on the highway, and soon the Sperryville Corner Store will open a new grill restaurant at the flashing red light on Main Street.

- dave 11-10-2003 5:54 pm

Yeah, for such a dead area, there has been some stuff going on since I got here. You might have to visit once more just to get the whole picture. I think I may be out of here by Dec. 20
- jimlouis 11-10-2003 6:29 pm [add a comment]

I thought you were going to live there!
- tom moody 11-10-2003 8:40 pm [add a comment]

I am living here, until Dec. 20.
- jimlouis 11-10-2003 10:54 pm [add a comment]

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