I hate the cranky, self-sure, paternalistic tone of of those Leviticus rules, and if religion was a democracy many would have been rethought or scrapped long ago. The majority appear to be prohibitions of incest--fine, that's bad for the gene pool. Adultery is a contractual matter between individuals. Masturbation--the prohibition is based on a fear that the mighty tribe will shrink. Homosexuality--same thing. Bestiality--that's stuff people like Rick Santorum worry about. But what about "Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness." Does that cover prostitution, lap dancing, posing for calendars? Some of the language and cultural concepts ("uncleanness"?) are so archaic as to be meaningless.

- tom moody 11-21-2003 10:38 pm

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