You mean Kirk Douglas? C'mon, he was a great Van Gogh. (Well, great hammy.)
Paul Gauguin: All I see when I look at your paintings is just that you paint too fast.

Vincent Van Gogh: You look too fast!

Of Heston's role as Michelangelo, Mad magazine once said "his emotions run the gamut from A to A!"
Pope Julius II: When will you make an end?

Michelangelo: When I'm finished!

- tom moody 3-23-2004 6:39 pm

I mean Charlton Heston!
- steve 3-23-2004 6:55 pm [add a comment]

I figured you did. I just wanted to put in a good word for Lust for Life and the Agony and the Agony. I mean, they suck, but I think they are memorable. They're all most people know about those artists.
- tom moody 3-23-2004 7:36 pm [add a comment]

If that's true in another, say, 100 years, than they're the better works of art.
- steve 3-23-2004 7:45 pm [add a comment]

Let me trot out that old Gilbert-Rolfe quote again: "art is never interesting the way that neurosis is."
- alex 3-23-2004 8:05 pm [add a comment]

No, I liked your statement without the qualifier.

- tom moody 3-23-2004 9:22 pm [1 comment]

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