I spent 2.5 hours one day last week and 1.5 the next searching for a belt. I wanted a brown one with a square buckle, there were many to choose from but somehow they all looked wrong. I ended up with a brown belt with a square buckle which looked pretty much like all the brown belts with square buckles I had looked at and it turned out to be just fine. So I can relate. To the polite nod too:
"If you've heard this boring story before why didn't you stop me?"
"I don't know, it wasn't really bothering me."
"I do that a lot, huh, Repeat the same boring stories."
"Well, yeah."
"How can that not bother you? They're not even stories, just trivial blather."
"I guess I figure you just need to talk."

Glad to hear you two aren't calling it quits.
- steve 3-15-2005 7:37 pm

Hmm? Did you say something, dear? I was in the other room petting your sniveling toxic cat who acts as much like an old man as his name suggests. Your new belt looks fine and I'll strike a deal: I'll listen to your stories on playback if you'll listen to mine, and interrupt me if I've already told you and you don't want to hear it again. Okay.
- Lorina (guest) 3-15-2005 11:09 pm [add a comment]

Holy cow, Lorina is a real person?
- jimlouis 3-16-2005 6:20 pm [add a comment]

No, we're supposed to say that. Hi, Lorina.
- tom moody 3-16-2005 6:23 pm [add a comment]

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