Learned a few details of correction, boat only picked up a few at a time, Mandy last. Water amount exaggerated but she did stockpile water for every hurricane since 94, and large bathtub full. Safe to say she would have had close to a hundred gallons of fresh water. House did not take water, floor is five feet above street level, so they weren't in attic, thank god. Word is the biggest complaint from kids was boredom, and thats pretty much a status quo complaint out of that house. Sources tell me Mandy is filling out forms as we speak, continuing with what she would have been trying to accomplish previous to flood, getting a couple of the boys into college, etc. Steve, she will be in Eugene soon as is possible, staying with best friend, will pass on your offer, thanks.
- jimlouis 9-05-2005 7:31 pm

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