No, different Mama D but very similar neighborhood, actually only blocks away from each other. The Mama D (Dolores) I knew died several years ago, spending the last 20 years of her life on Dumaine St., in the Sixth Ward, raising scores of her own children and grandchildren and other, less directly related, children. Thanks for reading.
- jimlouis 9-25-2005 3:54 pm

How sweet of you to take the time to answer. Thank you.

I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying working my way back through the earlier entries, not really wanting to reach the end. Your writing is habit-forming! I have to confess, I'm hooked.

You won't see me posting much, but I'll be quietly lurking over here in the corner, waiting for more.

Your new fan,

- Dianne 9-26-2005 8:08 am [add a comment]

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