What a coincidence, those are two things I really like. Thanks for the thought.
- jimlouis 11-05-2005 3:53 am

nice recon work. much appreciated. I knew that in-law of mine likes to talk shit, never mind his help with pulling out attic contents. no need to return for photos. The description suffices. Also appreciated the testifying -- seeing it in print substantiates what I thought I saw when I saw it, but ever since I read today's T-P column on post-Katrina short-term memory loss, I was starting to wonder whether I saw it at all. Goddamn stubborn neighbor -- mourned her this morning too. Why she wouldn't leave? Why none of them folks wouldn't leave anywhere in the city? I know why. And in a bad sort of way, agree with her reasoning . . . sure seems that two NOPD officers did during the aftermath itself . . . still, though, why she wouldn't leave with her own daughter?
- anonymous (guest) 11-05-2005 5:41 am [add a comment]

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