Hey Jim,

Just wanted to tell you that I am in New Orleans too. Have been since the first...just got my COX back on Thursday. How nice to see you are
here too. How have you been able to post?
If you need anything at all you can give me a call if you still have my number or email me if you need it. I am at gmail

I have been working at La Crepe Nanou at night. My friends own it and it's not my usual line of work but we got the place open on the 18th with a rag tag staff and it's been great but
exhausting. My whole body hurts some days. I work during the day most of the time too doing some job or other. People call, I go. This week was for Tulane. Next week the PRC.

There is so much to do and none of it is routine. It is really great that at least I have my utilities! You'd be welcome to take my place for a few days if you need a break from roughing it. I can stay at my friend Emily's.

So much has changed since I first arrived. Frankly, in Uptown there are too many people now. I liked it better in early October.

I have been blogging as well, if you want the link let me know.

Welcome Back !
- Laureen 11-06-2005 10:31 pm

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