No need to thank me. You should still call SWB and bitch. Think about it, that water you lost that day by trusting Jackleg Slim to help you remove that tub, was only about an hour's worth, and the only hour of water used from that property for that whole billing period. And there's no reason for SWB to even know about that. Your friggin meter was crushed by cleanup crew bobcats, musta screwed up the meter. Show 'em the outrage, baby. Oh wait, you wanted to keep that clawfoot tub? I gave it last week to Epictetus, to sleep in. Dammit, I can't do anything right. Can I still come over today and drink your stale beer?
- jimlouis 2-26-2006 6:28 pm

Good luck with getting through to SWB. Your post reminded me to check my SWB bill online. Amazingly, they estimated that I used 17,000 gallons of water last month while not living in my house, presumably because they never fixed the break in the line that I told them about last September. I was able to fax them about it, but I'm sure I'll get a disconnect notice if I don't pay before they ever get around to doing anything.
- duris 3-02-2006 10:57 pm [add a comment]

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