My return from Argentina is immenent. Since I was camping with much lluvia (rain) and lodo (mud), I didnt bring my computer or digital camera. I will be catching up with my posts soon after I return. But my purpose for adding a comment here is to offer to assist with some small portion of the housing project. I know I said I might return in the summer, but I didnt mention a hemisphere now did I? Its still primavera here in Argentina, and verano is still a couple months away. Sometime in Noviembre? hasta luego ...
- anonymous 10-22-2001 5:00 pm

There's always work for you, come anytime, M is going to Texas for Thanksgiving. You could have the whole Dumaine house, which is livable all the way to the back now.
- jimlouis 10-25-2001 4:56 am [add a comment]

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