i have a strong connection with willie mays too. i made one of those over the shoulder catches during a game in little league and my gregarious irish beer bellied jackie gleason loving coach jumped off the bench screaming "WILLIE MAYS" "WILLIE MAYS". and before that my earliest memory of attending games at shea in the early seventies is of the crowd chanting "SAY HEY" when mays came to the plate during the final two years he played with the mets. heres a salon profile.

as for nicolas cage, i thinks its been all downhill since Wild at Heart, if not Valley Girl.
- dave 2-13-2002 8:11 pm

That's a choice little league memory. I can't seem to bring up anything but the memory of groaning spectators as I walked up to plate with my .016 batting average. I did however take away from those years the valuable lesson that wiping dirt across that wet spot on your uniform does not hide the fact that you just peed your pants. Nice Mays tribute.
- jimlouis 2-13-2002 11:40 pm [add a comment]

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