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Thursday, Jan 25, 2007

pee in style

- linda 1-25-2007 5:56 pm [link] [4 comments]

Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007

New York’s urban architect recyclers, LOT-EK, have recently designed a library in Guadalajara made entirely of refurbished airplane fuselages.

- dave 1-03-2007 5:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

Thursday, Dec 07, 2006

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner today announced that with DOE funding, a concentrator solar cell produced by Boeing-Spectrolab has recently achieved a world-record conversion efficiency of 40.7 percent, establishing a new milestone in sunlight-to-electricity performance. This breakthrough may lead to systems with an installation cost of only $3 per watt, producing electricity at a cost of 8-10 cents per kilowatt/hour, making solar electricity a more cost-competitive and integral part of our nation’s energy mix.
Here's the +5 slashdot comments.
- jim 12-07-2006 6:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

Friday, Sep 01, 2006

Controversial Silicon Valley maverick T.J. Rodgers is suddenly high tech's biggest champion of alternative energy. Does it matter that he's ultimately in it for the money? Or that he can't stand environmentalists? He certainly doesn't think so.

- mark 9-01-2006 11:22 pm [link] [add a comment]

Hard not to be skeptical, but Richard Branson is developing a clean fuel

It will be called Virgin Fuel, yes! It's not ethanol-based as such, but it'll be a clean fuel. And if we've got it right, it could be a very important breakthrough. We think this fuel will work in cars and trucks and trains within a year. And we're hoping that it might work in commercial jet engines within five years, possibly sooner. So it will be able to work in Virgin Atlantic planes one day.

But it's not just that we thought we should do this to try to save the world and the thousands of species that could die if we don't do it. Unless you can generate cash, it's not going to be successful. With oil prices above $70 a barrel, people want to save on the cost of fuel, and so alternative fuels suddenly make business sense.

- jim 9-01-2006 11:10 pm [link] [add a comment]

Monday, Aug 14, 2006

China is set to spend US$200 billion on renewable energy over the next 15 years, and industry players are racing to grab a slice of the action.

- mark 8-14-2006 9:19 pm [link] [add a comment]

PG&E vows fivefold increase in solar use

- mark 8-14-2006 9:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006

CA has its own foreign policy now?

Governor, Blair sign warming accord

- mark 8-02-2006 12:36 am [link] [add a comment]

Guy who works on Boston's Big Dig project is appalled at the wasted materials. So he collects stuff that looks good, hauls it away himself, and uses it all to build this house.

- jim 8-01-2006 9:41 pm [link] [1 comment]

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2006

Tesla Motors
- steve 7-19-2006 11:58 pm [link] [11 comments]

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