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wicker man

The Wicker Man, via Ferdy on Films.
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owls n owls
But Owls aren’t Reptiles?
Japan Reptiles Show ふくろうエグザイル?
Via texpic (via LM)
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owl cage diagram

Owl Cage Diagram from Alice the Owl News.
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intl fest of owls
The International Festival of Owls starts up soon, 4-6 March 2011, Houston, Minnesota, USA.

Why is this festival in late winter? The answer is:

Alice the Great Horned Owl is a permanently injured owl who works at the Houston Nature Center in Houston, MN and lives with her handler, Karla (Kinstler) Bloem. This blog is a mishmash of stories about how Alice applies her owl instincts to a life with humans, information about the International Festival of Owls held in honor of Alice's hatch-day, a vocal study on Great Horned Owls that began because of Alice, and just about anything else that pertains to owls.

alice egg

Alice the Owl News is a fascinating and detailed blog about human/owl co-existence.

For the record, Ovvlvverk encourages people who find a lost or injured owl to find their way to dedicated specialists in Avian behavior.
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age of living things

Age of Living Things.
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Malay Eagle Owl - Kitty. Anthropomorphic cuteness. Don't try this at home.
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Scary Owl

The Golden Magazine Halloween Calendar Page
Art by Richard Scarry, from Neato Coolville's photostream.
(via RC)
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Brown by Ken Nordine.
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The Hare Who Lost his Spectacles: an interlude by Jethro Tull, from A Passion Play.
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Defensive postures amuse studio audiences.

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