"If the accident is determined to have been caused by a structural failure, the terminal's strikingly unconventional design is likely to stir debate about how far architects can push new materials and construction theories in the pursuit of beauty without endangering lives."

- bill 5-24-2004 5:35 pm

That’s what they said about Beauvais; back to the middle ages!
- alex 5-24-2004 8:39 pm [add a comment]

the inquiry

- bill 5-25-2004 7:52 pm [add a comment]

I wonder if the concrete on the inside face at the top of the arch was under tension? Concrete loves compression forces, but has poor tensile strength.
- mark 5-26-2004 4:17 am [add a comment]

the blame game. dont the contractors and engineers answer to the architect and the architect answers to the developer ? what is the actual chain of command?

- bill 5-27-2004 7:29 pm [add a comment]

"Some compare it to a globe severed at the Equator. To others it resembles a phosphorescent egg floating in a crystal sea. One prominent Beijing architect said that when the desert dust kicks up around Beijing, lathering the expansive glass dome in a pall of gray grime, it resembles nothing so much as dried dung."
- bill 6-15-2004 4:08 pm [add a comment]

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