Sidney Morgenbesser anecdotes

- bill 8-03-2004 2:01 am

Independence of irrelevant alternatives

"Sidney Morgenbesser walks into a restaurant, has dinner, and then asks the waitress what they have for dessert. She says apple pie and blueberry pie. Sidney Morgenbesser says he'll have the apple pie. She comes back in a moment and says that they also have cherry pie. So Sidney Morgenbesser says "In that case, I'll have the blueberry pie."

- bill 8-03-2004 2:17 am [add a comment]

still looking for a half decent obit.

- bill 8-12-2004 11:49 pm [add a comment]

still looking for a half decent obit.

- bill 8-12-2004 11:54 pm [add a comment]

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