secret garden of the high line

- bill 11-16-2005 1:04 am

Thanks. I used the F word when posting about this.
- tom moody 11-16-2005 1:38 am [add a comment]

high line acquired

- bill 11-16-2005 11:45 pm [add a comment]

we have a similar problem in Toronto - a spit made of clean fill that covered in grasses and birds and rare flowers. It's totally gorgeous there. It's still an operational dump, but you can go there on the weekends and ride bikes and explore. Parks Canada is buying it to make it officially a park - great! But they are paving over a whole bunch of it to put in a parking lot and information resource centre. ARG. Makes me say the F word too. Farg.
- sally mckay 12-05-2005 1:02 am [add a comment]

Well, as long as the info centre has the latest info about research on how to avoid paving over mother nature ...
- mark 12-05-2005 2:08 am [add a comment]

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