ric burns andy warhol / tonight and tomorrow night on 13 - doesnt promise to be the ultimate take on AW ~ but we will give it a try

- bill 9-21-2006 2:11 am

it was ok. i still fell asleep before it ended. will try again tonight. (need tivo)
- bill 9-22-2006 12:22 am [add a comment]

im tivoing cavett interviewing robert mitchum on tcm right now.
- dave 9-22-2006 4:24 am [add a comment]

  • thats an intreview id like to see
    - steve 9-22-2006 4:29 am [add a comment]

i fell asleep during the 2nd half too. good news they're replaying it this weekend.
- bill 9-23-2006 12:42 am [add a comment]

i fell asleep during the 2nd half too. good news they're replaying it this weekend. so far what ive seen is pretty good - it contributes to the completist warhol.
- bill 9-23-2006 12:43 am [add a comment]

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