I took my first steps and learned how to walk on an ocean liner. Still don't feel that stable on my feet, and often have the sensation that the ground is shifting around beneath me. I have been curious in the past few years to cross the Atlantic in a boat again. There is an installation on here right now by Yvette Pooter about just such an experience. Have yet to see it, but will report back.
- sally mckay 4-22-2004 9:43 pm

well, you are speaking first hand then (or first foot) which is a lot more than I can say. I have never been on an ocean liner. when I was little my father took me to Nova Scotia on a boat (big but not ocean liner material) and we slept one night on it. (I got seasick, it wasnt pretty and for some reason I don't remember the return trip). Taking one's first steps on a boat would seem to me to lead to a much more stable person - you've got to have solid foundation not to tip over.
- selma 4-22-2004 10:58 pm [add a comment]

Our trip was from Canada to Wales, where we lived for the next 3 years. Two years ago I went back to Wales to visit our old neighbourhood, and have a nice seaside vacation (if's f**king gorgeous, love that North Atlantic rocky, dramatic shore). When I walked onto the block where we used to live in Swansea, I became completely unbalanced and had to sit down. I told my father about it later and he said that's how we all felt when we first set foot there, cause of not having our land legs yet. Apparently I would put one foot out to the side, waiting for the ground to rise up underneath (which it did, back on the boat).
- sally mckay 4-23-2004 12:26 am [add a comment]

they said it was a rough voyge coming over and that many guests stayed in their cabin the whole time.
- bill 4-23-2004 1:22 am [add a comment]

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