The Day After Tomorrow
"The Day After Tomorrow" is (I guess) based on the enduring classic novel of the same name written by Robert A. Heinlein. Heinlein is widely considered to be the "Soren Kierkegaard of Science Fiction" -- not as influential as Asimov and not as literary as Bradbury, just as Kierkegaard was neither as influential as Kant nor as literary as Nietzsche. I say the book is an enduring classic, because I read it when I was young and I have no recollection of what it's about. But anything which shows the world going to hell in a handbasket is just to my taste these days. I'm especially fond of stories where "the human race" fucks up big time, and there's nobody to sue or pray to when the bill comes due. We just have to take our lumps and perish from this earth. I'd like to see a movie in this genre called "The Day After Election Day."
prereviewer - Chris Bumcrot, 01/06/04

via prereview
- bill 5-14-2004 11:39 pm

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