I prereviewed it in Nov. '03 but Joe's link to it is busted. Here 'tis:
The Day After Tomorrow
The preview shows tornadoes convincingly destroying LA skyscrapers and a tidal wave engulfing NY skyscrapers. I'm thinking, "Hey, supposedly everything changed after 9/11 and we don't do this self-hating Independence Day shit anymore." Well, I-Day (and Godzilla) director Roland Emmerich is back with more latter-day Irwin Allen foolishness (better looking effects, though). The, er, adventurous quality of the science in this movie can be summed up in the following blurb from the Internet Movie Database: "A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He must get to his young son in New York, which is being taken over by a new Ice Age."
prereviewer - Tom Moody, 11/19/03

- tom moody 5-15-2004 12:04 am

funny thing. i prereviewed toms prereview of The Day After Tomorrow back in august of '01. even then i could sense world changing events afoot.

while the shrub scrubs his brushes in crawford, i sense world changing events afoot. it might not be the day after tomorrow, but soon. i see a man in flowing robes, perhaps he is a climatologist looking for his son amid great crisis or else he is a figurehead for a shadowy band of militant religious fanatics bent on murder and mayhem. his name might be george, or it could be osama saddam. either way, there will be too much focus on special effects and not enough effort put into writing a reasonable plot. im sure tom will agree with this when the time comes for his prereview.

- dave 5-15-2004 12:24 am [add a comment]

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