This Full Scale Inflatable Hemp House Prototype by Techno Craft, Tokyo,
was a finalist in Architecture for Humanity's Kosovo project.
- bill 8-03-2004 7:57 pm

glad it exists but I am not placing any bets on it getting on the production line.
- selma 8-03-2004 8:35 pm [add a comment]

the Man is so keeping us down. inflatable hemp pods for everyone! now if i could only figure out how to breathe while im in there it would be even cooler.
- dave 8-06-2004 7:49 pm [add a comment]

Looks like the perfect place for a Scythian vapor bath.
- alex 8-06-2004 9:04 pm [add a comment]

that guy in the shorts just stepped out for a gulp of air.
- bill 8-07-2004 12:20 am [add a comment]

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