thats a screen still from logans run of the ever so dangerous watergarden in fort worth.

heres more of that AP story:

Toward the end of his life, Johnson went public with some private matters - his homosexuality and his past as a disciple of Hitler-style fascism. On the latter, he said he spent much time in Berlin in the 1930s and became "fascinated with power," but added he did not consider that an excuse.

"I have no excuse (for) such utter, unbelievable stupidity. ... I don't know how you expiate guilt," he says.

He blamed his homosexuality for causing a nervous breakdown while he was a student at Harvard and said that in 1977 he asked the New Yorker magazine to omit references to it in a profile, fearing he might lose the AT&T commission, which he called "the job of my life."

i guess he made his fair share of mistakes in life. but there is plenty of good work too. the sculpture garden at moma is (was) an incredible haven.

- bill 1-26-2005 9:54 pm

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