Hmmmm. Interesting. This is not so bad in light of the what could happen with an "anyone can post" policy. Frankly I'm amazed it took this long to get an inflammatory comment, and this one is barely inflammatory. I guess these will be the "good old days" we would look back on if the site ever started attracting lots of people we don't know. At this point I guess I hope that never happens. Anyway, what do you all think? I think I made it so that the page owner gets an [edit] link (and with that editing and deleting rights) over any anonymously posted comment. In this way I hoped to pass the buck in terms of censoring unwanted comments. Was this the case for you Bill? Could you have deleted that comment? (I don't think you should have, necessarily - as I said, it's not really that bad.) If not I consider this a bug and will fix it so you can. I guess that is enough for now, but if this ever did become a problem I guess we'd have to close down anonymous posting. Hopefully we'll stay under the radar (despite Googles efforts) and it won't come to that.

For anyone confused about the comments linking the first poster to pr0n surfing habits, take a look at the logs to see some of the strange things people are looking for when search engines send them our way (and especially Bills way, although I'm still not too clear on why this is.)
- jim 1-15-2001 10:20 pm

Actually, now that I look at it, I get an [edit] link on that comment. Anyone else? Bill I hope, as that's how it's supposed to work. Maybe I'm registered as an owner of the page too? I'll have to check.
- jim 1-16-2001 1:22 am [add a comment]

  • What ?......what??..... what...what?????what?....what? That delete option will be fine Jim thanks. Wasn't too concerned over the weak flame part myself but I did check to see which search engine they flew in on but did not locate an obvious match.

    - bill 1-16-2001 5:50 pm [add a comment]

I clicked on the Logs link you posted and I got a message saying that the page I requested could not be found. It offered me a link to the site map but I still can't find the "logs" page you spoke of. Just curious about those that find their way in here
- steve 7-09-2001 3:12 pm [add a comment]

  • Yeah, that was from the old system. I'm getting the new logs back on line, but they aren't done yet. Real soon now. Talk to Dave about forming a group to bug me about this one...
    - jim 7-09-2001 6:25 pm [add a comment]

    • Will do.......But I have more pressing concernes......What about that digital F5K tape? When are, yeah, WE gonna do that?
      - steve 7-10-2001 8:01 am [add a comment]

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