How the hell is anyone to tell if people are paying mind at such an event?
Stroboscopic trampoline, I grok.
- steve 8-09-2001 8:48 pm

That would have been his big break. If he had caught on he might be opening for zz-top, Sonic Youth or at Burning Man today. But that was not to be. I have seen no reference to him outside of this one apearance. All those trampoline parks in the 70's went OOB for the above mentioned insurance reasons too.

- bill 8-09-2001 9:01 pm [add a comment]

  • The guy was uptight. He wore a mask to protect his amateur status. That was back when the Olympics and colleges were still pretending that there was something noble about amateurism. Typically, their rules were routinely ignored, and only increased the "illegal" behavior. Today we have pros in the Olympics, and I think they even gave Jim Thorpe's medals back. The tramper could proudly show his face, and we might even know who he is. Of course, Kesey (on parole) wore a mask, even though he knew that everyone still knew who he was. As he used to say: "they know where it is, but they don't know what it is".
    - alex 8-09-2001 10:10 pm [add a comment]

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