NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP) -- The Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to divert up to $1.3 billion for levee repairs from the Mississippi River's East Bank, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, to the West Bank, where tens of thousands of people have resettled.

The West Bank was one of the only parts of the New Orleans metropolitan area spared the flooding that followed the 2005 hurricane. But the levees protecting it -- and the roughly 250,000 people who live there -- are inadequate, the corps concedes.

If approved, the plan has the potential to slow new levee work on the East Bank, where most of New Orleans is situated, and pit the city's residents against those on the West Bank.
- jimlouis 2-04-2007 11:30 pm

We spend more than that in a fucking week in Iraq. The West Bank and Nola have enough issues without the asshats in the Corps playing them against each other.
- mark 2-05-2007 1:19 am [add a comment]

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