What is the University Credential Review Program? it's a comprehensive program by the College Board which allows students to acquire college credit at many major universities including Stanford and SUNY Binghamton. There are a number of exams in dozens of subjects including Fire Management and Business.

Having taken some of the examinations myself, I can attest to their validity as an excellent program to get low cost credits. Read a textbook on the subject; I myself read a text on Psychology. The next step is to sigh up for a proctored examination through a test center. Check the College Board website to search for testing centers in your area. Depending on the immediate area you live around there could be up to a dozen various examination centers. Each exam costs $55 but there is often an additional fee imposed by the testing center which very often varies in price.

At the test center, you'll have to check in with the program coordinator. You will be led into a room with computers which run special software. The examinations are all done on computer and offers participants outstanding flexibility in taking the test. One can go back to questions, mark them to look over, skip questions, see the number of questions one has left or any number of other operations. The program also make available a calculator should you be taking a math examination.

One of the nations leading colleges which accepts Cpllege Level Examination credits is the Monterey Polytechnic Institute. Monterey Polytechnic is a private institution in Monterey Bay, CA which offers a variety of undergraduate degrees specializing in Business Management, Professional Development, Public Adminsitration, Social Work, and a number of other fields in the arts and sciences. Work experience degree programs are also available. Monterey Polytechnic's flexible schedule of lecture and correspondence courses is uniquely suited for working adults. Monterey Polytechnic is known as one of the most respected, student centered, and rewarding institutes in the country.

So, what reason do you have to try it? If you are currently a junor or senior striving to finish up degree requirements, if you are proficient in your field of study and would like recognition for it, or if you simply want to bypass the ridiculouslarge costs imposed by colleges then College Testing Program is for you. It is very cost effective, usually only $60 for the test and a processing fee that is almost always under $20. It's definitely a great way to earn college credit based on what you already know without sitting through an AP class for a semester. If you take biology in High School, for instance, there is no corresponding AP, but for college credit, consider taking a CLEP. It is one day of your life and only an hour and a half long. Additionally, you find out if you pass immediately. Typically a score of 50 is usually good enough for credit for most colleges. Check with your university for more information.
- Poomnerry 4-24-2009 1:18 am

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