Butler's biggest project to date is The Waitresses and he penned all of the band's songs, including "I Know What Boys Like", "No Guilt", "Christmas Wrapping", "I Could Rule the World, If I Could Only Get the Parts", and the theme song for the TV sitcom Square Pegs. He holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest pop song recording in history, a 69-minute song entitled "The Devil Glitch"[1]. The project has now been expanded online as "The Major Glitch", which is accepting additions to the song in the hopes that eventually it will play for days.
- bill 11-01-2009 1:39 pm

oh give me a break-- divining rods-scientifically proven to be ineffective! Chris Butler must be a total nut job. Sad he falls for all the woo woo stuff. Damn.
- VZ (guest) 11-03-2009 2:58 am [add a comment]

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