My mother left burn marks on at least a half dozen pieces of valuable antique furniture.... and was kinda blasé about it, too.
- Justin 2-01-2010 2:11 pm

in 300 more years it will add lived in value
- Skinny 2-01-2010 2:36 pm [add a comment]

I'm thinking Yay Mom! too.
- L.M. 2-01-2010 3:17 pm [add a comment]

im into the workbench w/ a row of cig burns on it thing. there might be a cig burn painting in this.
- bill 2-01-2010 4:22 pm [add a comment]

my mother left cig burns on my forearms but never the furniture.
- steve 2-02-2010 5:20 am [add a comment]

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