There were four Parker Pen curses, but I only remember three:
Blast that Flatterap, Phileramic Packalumer, & Dirty Rackafratz.
- anonymous 11-04-2010 6:53 am

Sorry it was Papermate not Parker
- anonymous (guest) 11-04-2010 6:56 am [add a comment]

we should check on who had the papermate ad account to find the real party behind this term. thanks for commenting!
- bill 11-04-2010 12:52 pm [add a comment]

i recall it as " pergaklishikpep "
- drosen (guest) 9-01-2012 3:14 am [add a comment]

How can I find the video on the cartoon golfer say those words?
- Tony (guest) 11-25-2021 6:48 pm [add a comment]

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