Page owners can now close comments on selected posts. To do so, go to the comment page in question and click the [close comments] link found after the repeat of the initial post. If a comment thread is closed it will still display any previous comments, but it won't show the comment textarea box. To turn it back on: go to the comment thread and click the [open comments] link now found where the [close comments] link was before.

Some old threads are spam magnets. This should take care of that issue.
- jim 2-22-2007 11:22 pm

You talkin about my Pink Lee Press On Nail? I'm going to try that new feature, which sounds like a nice one.
- jimlouis 2-22-2007 11:59 pm [add a comment]

But damn it, I NEED to send you these messages, because I need money for medicaments!!!

- L.M. 2-23-2007 12:11 am [add a comment]

- mark 2-23-2007 9:12 am [add a comment]

dave hit a home run last night 48 hits. cat sex!? ouch!
- bill 2-23-2007 4:13 pm [add a comment]

I missed it--is the thread now closed? (Thanks, Jim for helping us stifle the plague of sexualized, pharmaceuticalized and online casinofied banality.)
- tom moody 2-23-2007 5:58 pm [add a comment]

Dave's were in a few threads. I cleaned them but didn't close anything.
- jim 2-23-2007 6:09 pm [add a comment]

Okay, yeah, I guess you really need to be able to close threads from the /newcomment page. You can't do it yet, but I'll try to get it in there.
- jim 2-24-2007 6:37 pm [add a comment]

thanks Jim!
- sally mckay 2-26-2007 5:20 pm [add a comment]

Jim, I think I just got a sp4m on a closed thread.
It was my post on Fresh NY in Perth Scotland on 2-1-07.
I marked as spam using spamdelete and closed it yesterday and another bugger showed up today.
I kept a screenshot.
In case my memory's failing and I actually didn't close it till today, this may be a false alarm but I'm pretty sure it happened as I described.
- tom moody 4-04-2007 7:08 pm [add a comment]

Yep--here it is again. Someone's getting past the "closed comments" and leaving spam shite.
- tom moody 4-05-2007 8:51 am [add a comment]

Okay, I'll get to it as soon as I can. I just removed the comment form on the page, but I'm not doing any other checking. So they must just be submitting the form on their own. That will be easy to stop. I'm surprised they are doing that though.
- jim 4-05-2007 7:27 pm [add a comment]

Thanks. Is it OK for me to get rid of that spam or do you want it up for testing purposes?
- tom moody 4-05-2007 9:00 pm [add a comment]

No, get rid of it. I'm pretty sure I know what is happening.
- jim 4-05-2007 10:35 pm [add a comment]

Okay, I've made a fix I think should close that hole. Let me know if you see more.
- jim 4-06-2007 9:32 pm [add a comment]

Okay, thanks!
- tom moody 4-06-2007 9:52 pm [add a comment]

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