We're having some issue with false new comment notices. My guess is that this is related to spam removal. Tom, did you remove a spam recently from Photo of the hexagonal "atmospheric" structure on Saturn and Showing new media work in the gallery threads? Just trying to get to the bottom of this. Sorry.
- jim 4-23-2007 6:54 pm

Yes--several were deleted in that thread and others in my 18-spam attack last night.

Also, I used the "bulk spam delete" feature for that run.

It only pulled up 2 of the 18--crafty bastids are making sure no words repeat in these large runs. I hand deleted the other 16.

Bill and Sally also got hit--much of the spam was in Italian.
- tom moody 4-23-2007 8:38 pm [add a comment]

BTW I had several false new comments on your page a day or two ago, Jim--the thread on AACs.
- tom moody 4-23-2007 8:58 pm [add a comment]

Another wrinkle--had three false comment notices on this thread this morning--the "new comments" field pulled up that same post (and all its associated comments) three times. Haven't seen that before.
- tom moody 4-24-2007 6:42 pm [add a comment]

Yeah, I can't figure it out yet. Thanks for the report.
- jim 4-24-2007 8:27 pm [add a comment]

I'm still having this problem (on my page mostly in the daringfireball AAC thread, but also on Tom's.) I assume other people are seeing this too?

It's really baffling me, but I've just put in some new debug code that should give me some additional clues next time it happens.
- jim 5-02-2007 6:58 pm [add a comment]

I haven't deleted any spam for a couple of days, knock wood.
It sounds like the ones where I used the bulk spam delete are still hitting the page and showing up as new comments even though they aren't posted.
- tom moody 5-02-2007 7:04 pm [add a comment]

Well that didn't take long. I just got 4 of these phatom comments on my page ( http://www.digitalmediatree.com/jim/weblog/comment/40201/ ) in about 2 minutes. Did other people see that?

- jim 5-02-2007 7:08 pm [add a comment]

  • Yes, I did. I see them all the time on that page.
    - elisabeth 5-02-2007 7:11 pm [add a comment]

  • i saw the red comments number but no comments.
    - bill 5-02-2007 7:13 pm [add a comment]

  • Yes--four phantom comments.
    - tom moody 5-02-2007 7:17 pm [add a comment]

  • Okay, finally think I got it figured out. This shouldn't happen any more. Sorry for all the false notices. A spammer was doing something really weird.
    - jim 5-02-2007 7:22 pm [add a comment]

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