The site was down for a while this afternoon (2 - 3 hours.) I think the other drive failed. This makes some sense since it was probably from the same batch as the one that failed recently. These things have a life span. Still trying to access damage.
- jim 7-19-2007 3:33 am

Dude, you're getting a Seagate.

Or six. Specifically, the ST3750640NS. I'll send you the tracking number when available. Earliest arrival is Friday, but more likely sometime next week. I used the address you gave me in March.
- mark 7-19-2007 11:48 am [add a comment]

Good one dude, but tell the truth, you're doing this because you don't ever again want to risk missing out on my baby bird photos.
- jimlouis 7-19-2007 4:07 pm [add a comment]

Thanks for those Mark. The failing drives are all on the California server that I still need to get rid of. Remaking the NYC server with the new drives will be the opportunity for that.
- jim 7-19-2007 4:10 pm [add a comment]

Yes, JimL, it's all about the chicks.
- mark 7-19-2007 7:18 pm [add a comment]

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