Aggressive Intel Quad-core Price Cuts Before "Barcelona"

Intel is trying to steal AMD's thunder by cutting prices deeply. The Q6600 is a Core 2 Quad with 1066 MHz front side bus (connects to the memory controller chip), 8 MBytes of cache, and 2.4 GHz operating frequency. It will be $266 (in quantity) by Q3 of this year. Earlier this year, the retail price of the 2.93 GHz sibling was around $2k.

Four screaming-fast 64-bit processors for $266. Awesome.

- mark 3-16-2007 4:35 am

Barcelona is AMD's quad core next-gen processor. It closes some of the gap opened by the Core 2 processor, and the quad implementation. But it doesn't represent a breakthrough, as Core 2 did. Intel's aggressive pricing and momentum make it an uphill battle for AMD.
- mark 3-16-2007 4:44 am

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