Surge Drawing (Stripes) det.Surge Drawing (Stripes)

I originally posted this on February 16, 2004. It has been deleted and I am moving it here for...reasons bloggers will understand. The comments to the post have been moved to the comments to this post.

- tom moody 6-28-2005 10:09 pm

What are we looking at here?
- joester 2-16-2004 9:47 pm [edit]

This is a piece from a few years ago, around the time of the "Static" exhibit I co-organized. It was never shown. I pulled it out recently and thought it looked pretty good, so I photographed it, with a chair for scale and a detail on the left. Here's the text explaining it, cleverly/stupidly written in 3rd person:

{Moody] also works with photocopies, but instead of displaying them separately on the wall he tapes them together in slightly rumpled, quilt-like sheets. His computer-generated motifs, resembling electronic snow or TV test patterns, arise from a series of controlled accidents occurring at his [former] clerical "day job." When he sends an image from the MSPaintbrush program on his computer to the network printer, the printer sends back a message announcing that the job is finished. This causes a power surge, and if he is sending another drawing to the printer at the exact same moment, the second image prints out as a uniquely garbled geometric scan pattern. Moody makes multiple photocopies of the scan pattern and joins them in a grid, applying linen tape to the back of the paper [and then folding the paper around a painting stretcher and stapling it on the back]....

- tom moody 2-16-2004 11:22 pm [edit]

it's a good diptych.
- sally mckay 2-17-2004 9:58 am [edit]

Joester thinks that sounds like a nice piece.
- joester 2-17-2004 11:02 am [edit]

- anonymous (guest) 2-19-2004 6:46 am [edit]

Dr. Samuel Johnson: Olson Johnson is right. What kind of people are we anyhow? I say we stay and fight it out!
Gabby Johnson: [indistinct]
Howard Johnson: Dr. Samuel Johnson's right about Olson Johnson being right. And I'm not giving up my ice cream parlor, that I built with these two hands, for nothing or nobody.
Sam Johnson: Howard Johnson is right!
Van Johnson: Right!
Howard Johnson: Thank you, Van.

-online bill

- bill 4-19-2005 5:49 am [edit]

hilary: youre right!
haylie: youre so right!

hilary: its liquid!
haylie: and ice!

hilary and haylie: its liquid ice!!

(sets down keyboard; jumps out window)
- dave 4-19-2005 8:21 am [edit]

Thanks for cheering me up after that jejune attempt to have "dialogue"--nevertheless the post in question (not by any of the above) had to be referred to our rules committee.

- tom moody 4-19-2005 9:21 am [edit]

- tom moody 6-28-2005 10:10 pm

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