"Lysergic Interlude (Trance Moves)" [mp3 removed]. A "harder, faster, trancier" version of a previously posted tune. The ascending semitones near the end are supposed to be a joke. [Update, June 2010: With some reluctance, had to change the URL for this (the link above still works), as it was "burning up the charts" of the free mp3 sites. It's still up, just not at the same link. If you are interested in this song give me a shout and we can talk about licensing it.] [Update, April 2013: File removed to keep hosted space under 4GB]

Also, louder versions of these two songs:

"Permanent Chase" [mp3 removed]. This version does not include the analog filtering of the drums on the quiet version ([4.6 MB .mp3]). It's just the drum machine and the Sidstation.

"Clip City" [mp3 removed]. (Quiet version: [mp3 removed].) I got tired of having to raise the volume in Winamp, and since the iTunes "volume leveler" distorts them anyway, I made both tracks louder. Yes there's clipping and distortion; I'm learning mastering in my spare time to prevent this in the future. Both of these will be recorded again--they're my learners. One thing I haven't been doing is giving the kick drum its own track for the final mix. [Update: the louder versions have been re-recorded and the quality is better.]

Update: a "self-mastered" version of "Clip City": [4.6 MB .mp3]

Update 2: The "quieter" version of Permanent Chase was remixed in 2009 and substituted for the one in this post. It is now the "official" version.

- tom moody 11-06-2005 7:26 pm

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