Supreme Court Update

You can follow the efforts to derail the "inevitable" appointment of Samuel Alito, the religious right's man, on this Kos thread. [Update: more recent developments here, but the first link has phone numbers, etc.] Please take a minute to look at the list and see where your Senators stand on this and who might be wavering and in need of a supportive call (the key words are "vote no on cloture"). Clinton and Schumer will vote "no"--meaning they want the nomination to stay open to debate. Menendez is wavering. His staff got an earful from me this morning. 202-224-4744. Keep hitting redial and you'll get through.

Update: A Kos commenter counts 67 for cloture and 22 against. Estimates on the ultimate vote (Alito's appointment as opposed to closing the debate) are 59 for Alito to 41 against, and since a simple majority carries it, that means we get an angry God Squadder on the Supreme Court. I think it's worth expressing your opinion right up until last minute, but that's just me, obviously.

Final tally on the cloture vote.

Just saw the Senate confirmed that pig. Knew it was coming but my stomach flipped over, slightly, at the news. Does anyone reading this blog give a shit? I know a lot of my progressive friends went all soft and cynical after the 2004 election.

- tom moody 1-30-2006 8:26 pm

I hate to tell everyone this, but Vichy Dems ain't done yet. Not by a long shot.

Today we've got our POST-FILIBUSTER GAME PLAN, PART I up and in play. It's simple: contact every Senator who did vote our way, repeatedly, at their DC and district offices and emails, and say "thank you." Good manners, yes. Reinforces good behavior, yes. And it also reinforces the reality, new to many politicians, that there are substantial numbers of voters our here who PAY ATTENTION to WHO voted HOW. We don't just groan at the outcome. We analyze it, and dole out rewards and punishments.

So calling and thank you -- a lot of times -- is an important part of our advocacy plan to take back our Party, our Congress and our nation. You're sick and tired of making phone calls? Me, too. Now get thee to and do it anyway.

- anonymous (guest) 2-01-2006 11:18 am

Thanks, I'll definitely call Menendez's office again. He did the right thing on the Iraq vote, too, back when he was a Congressman.
- tom moody 2-01-2006 11:36 am

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