So, art in Miami 2006: a brief recap. It was this:

OptiDisc - Miami

versus this:

miami basel hell

(Apologies to Paddy Johnson for the polemical use of her photos. The point is that the small, scurrying mammals of the New Art were defiantly underfoot as the dinosaurs munched their last wads of eucalyptus. Or put another way, that the starship Voyager navigated through Borg Space despite the latter's overwhelming hegemonic force. Also, thanks to Johnson for including this blog and my artMovingProjects show in her 2006 best of the web wrap-up. She's one of that rare tribe of artist/critics willing to wade in and critique both the gallery world and the web world, or perhaps attempt to knock their mutton heads together.)

(Also check out her worst of the web '06, which includes such deserving topics as Banksy, Lonelygirl15, and a certain artnet writer who will never be mentioned by name here.)

- tom moody 1-04-2007 10:20 pm

My personal "worst of the web" this year:
Too bad i cannot comment at aftfagcity :)
- drx (guest) 1-05-2007 1:53 pm