Tom Moody - Miscellaneous

Tom Moody - Miscellaneous Posts

These posts are either "jump pages" for my weblog or posts-in-process that will eventually appear there. For what it's worth, here's an archive of these random bits. The picture to the left is by a famous comic book artist.

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This post is a continuation of a discussion I'm having with Pamela, which started with drawings of Shell. The main thread begins here. Pamela, assuming you've followed the link here, I found out why your links weren't working: see Jim's comment to this post. Eventually we'll get this worked out, but in the meantime I can change the URLs you posted to links, if you want.

I checked out the greenoblivion page. I'll comment soon.
- tom moody 7-25-2002 10:56 am [link] [1 ref] [4 comments]

"I believe people have taken a step back and asked, ‘What’s important in life?’" said the nation’s chief executive Thursday. "You know, the bottom line and this corporate America stuff, is that important? Or is serving your neighbor, loving your neighbor like you’d like to be loved yourself?" These shards of clueless verbiage bring to mind his father’s brief but beautiful poem about economic distress, "Message: I care." --Joe Conason

As a friend of mine put it, "The steel balls are finally coming out of Captain Queeg's pocket."
- tom moody 7-15-2002 5:33 am [link] [add a comment]

Dear Robert Jensen,
I'm writing to thank you for the articles and essays you've written in the aftermath of 9/11. I live and work in the New York metro area and saw the North Tower collapse from a friend's window. The kneejerk calls for revenge and abrogation of international law in the immediate aftermath were appalling, and I took comfort in your brave words. Having lived in Texas for many years, I know such phrases aren't uttered without a price. These are hard times for progressives (and libertarians). The quick "success" of the Afghan bombing campaign made the left seem like doubters and naysayers, and I find myself abandoned on all sides by people I'm usually in accord with. Jacob Weisberg in Slate writes that "there is no antiwar movement"; Christopher Hitchens adroitly paints progressives as unrealistic ninnies that don't live in the real world. Susan Sontag's New Yorker piece (which I recently reread, and which seems quite sane and moderate) is routinely held up as a "traitorous" screed. As I believe you've said, it's difficult to formulate an alternative to the Bush/Pentagon plan that speaks to people. I've argued that it's a police matter, to be pursued through increased intelligence and economic pressure on our Saudi "allies," but that usually falls on deaf ears. I'm not a pacifist, but neither am I in favor of rolling out our huge military machine, across sovereign borders, every time we get angry or scared. I think William Safire's view that we can "civilize" the world at gunpoint is naive--talk about a ninny who doesn't live in the real world! That's precisely why 9/11 happened! Anyway, thanks again, and keep up the good work.
Best, Tom Moody
- tom moody 7-07-2002 5:48 am [link] [add a comment]