Since there seems to be a lot of religious fervor in the air I want to mention that I'm doing the good Samaritan thing, not exactly, and have called a guy ('s wife actually) and told him, (or her actually) that "I found what appears to be the contents of your glovebox," behind a house I'm renovating on Rocheblave (yep, still at it), and she was so happy, although I could not initially figure out why because I assumed the paperwork I had collected meant the car had been stolen, but no, just the contents of the glovebox. The guy (and his wife?) live not far from here, I'll expose them and say they live in the 3300 block of Esplanade, which is around the corner but a completely different world, nice, in it's more affluent way, and that just makes me reflect fervently, which is my nature, on how that's one of the things here that makes the magic that people talk about (or is it just me that talks about it?), I mean the demographic striation of this place, which is scary (or that should be "fascinating"), if you pause to think about it, and what else am I going to do. Anyway, I am online with a single phone line and am realizing only now what my hesitation meant when the wife asked me could her husband call me on his way home from work at this number and I said, "yes" but not very convincingly. I knew I might be busy, what with the development of a new lethal religious product, and the delivery of this crap, which I must consider of utmost importance--cuz look at me go on about it.
- jimlouis 1-23-2001 12:24 am

When you get to that point, it's a definite warning sign of something or other.
- alex 1-23-2001 12:33 am [add a comment]

  • I've tried to no avail to figure at which point I might be at. Could I have a clue? I wish to heed warnings.

    Mandy probably wants to call Sammie now, who is a receptionist down at juvenile court, to figure out what happened when she took Shelton today for his court appearance. Mandy was there and all but the experience left her kind of clueless, lot of it going around. I'm going to sign off, listen to Jazz, maybe smoke a BOB. The guy from Esplanade came and got his stuff. I forget his name, but it had plenty of consonants.
    - jimlouis 1-23-2001 4:51 am [add a comment]

    • I think you know perfectly well where you are, which is not to say that it's anywhere. In fact, I bet you've been there before: it's the return of no point.
      - alex 1-24-2001 12:44 am [add a comment]

      • Guilty as perceived
        - jimlouis 1-24-2001 1:33 am [add a comment]

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