After watching the news last night I was left with a minor realization concerning Cali's energy problems. The old notion of placing value in land where there is water somewhere on the property (either underground or running through it) comes to mind. Otherwise your indebted to someone with the water you need (Chinatown). Now it's each state which must have a sufficent domestic energy supply or have to purchase it from out of state. They pointed out Florida and lower New York state (amoung others) as hot spots of energy deficit. They went further to point out that it isn't even a peak use time of year and that we may be "in for it" this summer.

Funny Caifornia breaks down right at the time of the inauguration. Funny that W's Texas boys have shitloads of energy (to sell). And funny Alaska has shitloads of untapped oil and that all we need is enough *fear* to scare it up out of the ground.

1/30/01 : As promised, a NYT link (from today).

- bill 1-26-2001 3:46 pm

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