Musto on murderous club-kid king Michael Alig. A movie is in the works, no doubt looking for that audience who's world didn't change on 9/11. Party on, kids.
- alex 3-28-2002 4:43 pm

What about the article on IBM? That's some seriuosly fucked-up shit. Am I allowed to swear on the tree?
- sarah 3-28-2002 8:03 pm [add a comment]

  • Not only are you allowed to swear, Sarah; you are encouraged to swear, but no cursing, please.
    - frank 3-28-2002 11:06 pm [add a comment]

    • In motherfucker we trust
      America O holy poetry the only Mary the only money
      - frank 3-28-2002 11:11 pm [add a comment]

      • William Harmon, Treasury Holiday
        - frank 3-28-2002 11:12 pm [add a comment]

  • youre also encouraged to link.
    - dave 3-28-2002 11:59 pm [add a comment]

    • Like <a href="">this</a>.

      If you typed in the above, it would turn out like this:

      Like this.

      So just put whatever web address in between the quotes and keep everything else the same. If you double click on the address in your browser you can then copy it (edit menu - copy) and paste (put the cursor where you want it to go - edit menu - paste) so you don't have to retype a long address.

      Takes everyone a little while to get the hang of that.
      - jim 3-29-2002 12:15 am [add a comment]

That's the useful thing about the corporation: it behaves amorally as a pure capitalist agent; an entity that insulates itself from such conscience as its constituent members may themselves harbor. Reminds me of Bruce Nauman's proposal for a Holocaust memorial in Germany (discussed somewhere in relation to the current Jewish Museum show): a big sign saying "We're sorry, and we'll never do it again." But they never are, and they always will.
- alex 3-28-2002 8:47 pm [add a comment]

I remember the New York Times review of Black's book, IBM and the Holocaust; I'm pretty sure it was by Richard Bernstein. He devoted the whole review to slamming Black for not coming up with a smoking gun directly tying IBM punch cards to the death camps. I remember thinking at the time, "It's not enough that they kept doing business with the Reich during the war? Cripes, that's treason right there!" I wondered, why is the Times working so hard to discredit this book?

Looks like Black did some more digging, and now his results are in the Voice as well as the revised paperback edition of the book. I'd love to see some survivor suits against the company come out of this; that's the only thing that'll break their smug silence.
- tom moody 3-28-2002 9:39 pm [add a comment]

  • sounds like an issue they might consider here.
    - dave 3-29-2002 1:40 am [add a comment]

Wow. This must be really awkward for them. What do you think? Are they discussing the issue there, or just fervently praying it'll go away? How much legitimacy (and silence) can money buy?
- tom moody 3-28-2002 11:19 pm [add a comment]

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