insomnia at 3:45 am and excited to discover that nice red UPDATED notice next to Rachael's page, only to find that the contents have been jumbled but not added to. Maybe it's just me, that is, my computer.....
Day 2 of jury duty begins in 7 hrs. I missed being called for a murder case today. Instead, I got a run of the mill burglery.
I may have misunderstood the judge as he addressed the panel, I thought I heard him say that the defence has to absolutely prove innocence for an acquittal but that the people only need to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to get a conviction. I raised my hand thinking I would ask him to repeat the statement and was excused and ushered back into the jurers waiting room.
- steve 2-27-2001 8:47 am

oops, Rachael did update. scroll to the bottom of her page. nice.
- steve 2-27-2001 8:53 am [add a comment]

We certainly don't want anyone who thinks too much about that sort of thing on our juries. Off with you!
- alex 2-27-2001 2:43 pm [add a comment]

  • Today I was called for a drug posessions charge. Coke, (crack probably)
    I actually made it into the jurers box. The judge began asking questions regarding our ability to be impartial.
    When asked if we (prospective jurers) or anyone we knew had been convicted of a crime or victim of a crime, I raised my hand along with half of the other members of the panel.
    When it came my turn to speak I asked if I could approach the bench.
    I decided to omit all but the most outrageous offence suffered by a close family member.
    I took the oppurtunity to inform him that while this would not have any effect on my ability to be impartial,
    my belief that all drugs should be legalized would not allow me to be a fair jurist to The People Of The State Of New York.
    I was immediately dismissed and will not have to return jury duty for another 4 years.
    - steve 2-28-2001 1:03 am [add a comment]

Rachaels page is more 'tumbled' than 'jumbled.' I wonder if she meant to do that? (anyone can through 'edit this page'.) Another click would bring it back to reverse chronological. I guess the 'older posts...' link at the bottom doesn't make much sense now. Probably I should have it check the direction before it prints that out. I'll put it on the list.
- jim 2-27-2001 10:21 pm [add a comment]

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