I don't think I've ever written a fan letter before but I just wrote one to Sen. Robert Bryd.
- jimlouis 5-23-2003 6:22 pm

Senator BYRD is a HERO.

"The Truth Will Emerge"

"And mark my words, the calculated intimidation which we see so often of late by the "powers that be" will only keep the loyal opposition quiet for just so long. Because eventually, as it always does, the truth will emerge. And when it does, this house of cards, built of deceit, will fall."

- artbishop (guest) 5-29-2003 2:47 am [add a comment]

heres an article which contrasts pelosi's response with that of byrd. sad that you have to be too old to care before you can speak your mind.

- dave 5-29-2003 2:56 am [add a comment]

Announcing the New and Improved Democratic Party -- It's the New Coke of political parties! Similar to but not exactly the same as the other guys!

Not associated with the Coca-Cola Company or Coca-Cola Bottling Consolidated

- mark 5-29-2003 3:15 am [add a comment]

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