heard on the radio ... Bill hit N.O., some flooding in the French Quarter, at least one tornado. Also, the Stone Pony on the Jersey Shore may go the way of the Armadillo in Austin. And while I'm at itf, from the "Keep Santa Cruz Wierd" front, overheard on Pacific Garden Mall this weekend: three men having a serious and intense political discussion, while one was in full clown regalia.
- mark 7-01-2003 11:54 am

Bill did not rise to his hurricane potential, but as a tropical storm he was no slouch. Ran us away from work about 11:30 am yesterday. While crossing a bridge over a canal near English Turn there was a brief burst of horizontal sheet rain and wind that alarmed me some. About five inches of rain, thirteen for the month of June. Have crossed many a deep puddle in June. Nice to have a truck. I regret to say I worked, fininishing sheetrock, in the building that rose up from the Armadillo World Headquarters. Met some Bandidos there (at the Armadillo) once. They politely but firmly corrected a behaviour of mine.
- jimlouis 7-01-2003 3:10 pm [add a comment]

yes sir mr bandido, ill get right on that
- bill 7-01-2003 6:05 pm [add a comment]

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