gothamist recounts favorite moments from 10 years of conan o'brien.

myself and one other "at large" denizen of the tree also alit upon this isle 10 years ago this week with little more than a plastic container half-filled with change and a dream (or two). im still waiting to awaken from the dream filled with change, but as plastic containers go, it hasnt been half bad.

Then understood-everything was explained : I had discovered the crowning error of the city, its Pandora's box. Full of vaunting pride the New Yorker had climbed here and seen with dismay what he had never suspected, that the city was not the endless succession of canyons that he had supposed but that it had limits -- from the tallest structure he saw for the first time that it faded out into the country on all sides, into an expanse of green and blue that alone was limitless. And with the awful realization that New York was a city after all and not a universe, the whole shining edifice that he had reared in his imagination came crashing to the ground.

- dave 9-16-2003 1:54 am

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