Notes from Amsterdam.

Ak47 at the Green house (adjacent to the Grand hotel) is a very worthwhile acquisition.

Fish restaurant adjacent to the Rai called Viasaandescheide (or something similar) quite worthy. Had the grilled seabream.

I was cheezed off at the wifi company doing service at the Rai. Flakey service. Very limited area of coverage. But they say I won Sony Clie Peg-ux50 in their daily drawing. All is forgiven.

Flashmob incident: Not a FlashMob(tm), but a something related. A group of highschool(?) girls assembled around the obelisk in Dam Square, posted a banner marked "a. a. '03-'04" and heartily sang. They weren't organized in the sense of having rehersed, but they were organized in the sense of being enthused. They sang in a vaguely northern European tongue, but I can't say if it was Dutch.

- mark 9-16-2003 11:54 pm

this place was super yummy
- Skinny 9-17-2003 4:50 pm [
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Seriously? You won a ux50? That is very cool. Let us know what you think when you get it. I am very jealous.

And yes, Lucius was great I thought.
- jim 9-17-2003 9:49 pm [add a comment]

Visaandeschelde is the name of the fish place. It's on Scheldeplein. I tried to get in for lunch today but got there 10 minutes after the kitchen closed.

I don't know if I'll get the ux50 or not. We'll see if they follow through. I don't know much about it, but from 5 minutes of web browsing, it looks worthy of technolust.
- mark 9-17-2003 11:43 pm [add a comment]

sounds yummy
- Skinny 9-18-2003 1:58 am [
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Their on-line menu doesn't have the dish I had. It was sea bream (aka dorado) grilled over a hot flame. The sauce was something I've never had before, perhaps based on Indonesian spices. The grilled fish had enough flavor to stand up to the hot but not fiery sauce. Wish I remembered more. Next year ...
- mark 9-20-2003 7:57 am [add a comment]

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