Jumping ship

Ralph Peters (“the thinking man’s Tom Clancy”?) on Bush’s cynical, election-driven betrayal of the Kurds:
President Bush? If he betrays the Kurds, as he appears blithely ready to do, there is at least one vote he will not get in the next election. Because international issues trump all others in this dangerous age, many of us have given Bush a pass on his greedy, polarizing domestic agenda as long as his foreign policy appeared effective, courageous and wise. But selling out the Kurds would cancel every one of Bush's promises and successes. If the Democrats want traction against Bush's achievements abroad - which the president appears all too ready to sacrifice - the administration's abrupt, opportunistic disregard of Kurdish interests would be a good place to start.
Unfortunately, most of America doesn’t know Kurds from whey, and couldn’t care less…
- alex 10-09-2003 8:28 pm

You'd think the Bushies would at least be good at selling people out, but it doesn't seem like they are even doing this correctly.

The obvious (although clearly evil) thing to do immediately after the fall of Baghdad was to arm the Kurds, give them logistical support, and let them mop up the Baathist remnants. They would have been brutally effective, and happy to do the job!

Then, after they've done your dirty work for you, bring in Turkish troops to knock them back down so they don't get any ideas that they are actually powerful. Again, no problem for Turkey, and they'd also be happy to do it!

I mean c'mon, this is like evil empire 101.
- jim 10-09-2003 9:11 pm [add a comment]

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