i,m mostly braindead but one circuit thats firing is helped by the good doctor wilson--the seasons i see more, mainly in the hood and today was a special day--one type of tree was sheading its seeds and they are blowing everywhere all over 14th between 7/8--its like a parade, i throw handfuls up in the air to join the celebration--i,m kicking the piles like crazy not looking where i am going and almost bump into a guy whom was kicking them in my direction--rock on earth and love you alex
- Skinny 5-05-2001 1:59 pm

Love you bro', but what kind of seeds were they?
- alex 5-06-2001 5:46 pm [add a comment]

  • light brown leave like structure, with the seed in the middle--which tree??--they were everywhere saturday
    - Skinny 5-06-2001 11:39 pm [add a comment]

    • My entire JC neighb is full of that same crud tumbeling down the block ankle deep in places. Every single car is also covered in yellow dust 1/4" to a 1/2" deep. It all quite festive in a may 5 kinda way. cheers to all !

      - bill 5-07-2001 2:23 am [add a comment]

Little papery ovals with a seed in the middle are Elm seeds, which started from flowers in March, and are now ripening and falling. "Dust" may come from several sources. It's probably not pure pollen, but rather broken down Oak flowers: the dessicated catkins were carpeting the whole Park last weekend.
- alex 5-08-2001 4:45 pm [add a comment]

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