Have you people heard about Howard Stern being taken off the air in six different cities? The reason seems to be because he was talking about how much Bush sucks.
- sarah 3-05-2004 1:29 am

Stern claims that Clearchannel canning him for indecency was bogus, that their real reason was his recent trashing of Bush. He makes the point the his show has always been about raunch and pushing the FCC's notions of decency, it's his anti-Bush stance that's new. Digby's been on it for a week or so, with a new entry today. Scroll down to his entry "Awakening The Mook Vote" on feb 26 for a transcript of the show in question. I got a kick out of this link in same article. Al Frankin is scheduled to appear on Stern's show soon.
- steve 3-05-2004 4:52 am [add a comment]

Maureen Farrell also discusses Stern's awakening at Buzzflash. She references LBJ's 1968 comment "if I've lost Cronkite, I've lost the country".

Note to Karl: don't mess with the mooks.

- mark 3-05-2004 5:53 am [add a comment]

I caught Rush Limbaugh's defense of Stern on Drudge the other day:
"What happens if a whole bunch of John Kerrys, or Terry McAuliffes start running this country? And decide conservative views are leading to violence? I am in the free speech business. It's one thing for a company to determine if they are going to be party to it. It's another thing for the government to do it."

That's a good one, implying that it was middle-of-the-road democratic presidential nominees who shut Stern down instead of the Bush-loving media giant Clearchannel. More of that "healthy forest's initiative" reasoning; call it the opposite of what it is. His whining reminds me of a sign I saw some protester waving in front of the Multnomah County Courthouse today where same-sex marriages were taking place for the second day in a row:
"Straight, Caucasion, Conservative. Do I count?"

What's this guy complaining about? Seems to me his side is winning,

Protest sign for the disinfranchised white male conservative:
"It still sucks to be me."

- steve 3-05-2004 7:41 am [add a comment]

- steve 3-06-2004 8:48 pm [add a comment]

The very last time I listened to Stern, several years ago, he was having some sort of "fart into the phone" contest. But if fart boy wants to take down Dubya, come on in, it's a big tent. Just leave some ventilation flaps open.
- mark 3-06-2004 11:51 pm [add a comment]

You can download an mp3 of Stern completely dissing Bush from here. Hilarious.
- jim 3-09-2004 6:17 pm [add a comment]

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